Je li život uobičajen u svemiru ili je rijedak? Ljudi su razmišljali o ovom pitanju tisućljećima. Danas imamo privilegiju što možemo koristiti alate moderne znanosti kako bismo odgovorili na neka od filozofskih i teoloških pitanja. U ovom razgovoru o astronomiji, dr. Carl Pilcher, privremeni ravnatelj NASA-inog astrobiološkog instituta, pomoći će nam proučiti evoluciju od četiri milijarde godina života i našeg planeta kako bismo razmotrili kako bi nastanjiva okruženja i sam život mogli nastati drugdje u svemiru.
Is life common in the universe, or rare? Humans have pondered this question for millennia. Today we are privileged to be able to bring the tools of modern science to answer questions that were once the province of philosophers and theologians. In this Astronomy Talk, Dr. Carl Pilcher, Interim Director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute, will help us study the four billion-year evolution of life and our planet to consider how habitable environments and life itself might arise elsewhere in the Universe. Join us for a riveting Astronomy Talk in exploring these fascinating questions as we paint a picture of life as a cosmic phenomenon.