Službeno smo zakoračili u Svjetski tjedan poduzetništva, a paralelno obilježavamo i Međunarodni tjedan obrazovanja. Za vas smo pripremili niz virtualnih događaja uživo, a prvi gledajte utorak 17.11.2020. u 18 sati.
Tim povodom, imamo pitanje za vas - kako biste jednom riječju opisali američko poduzetništvo? Vaše odgovore objavit ćemo sljedećeg ponedjeljka.
Više o #GEW2020 saznajte na
We have officially stepped into Global Entrepreneurship Week, and at the same time we are celebrating International Education Week. We have prepared a series of live virtual events for you, and watch the first one 17.11.2020. at 6 p.m.
On this occasion, we have a question for you - how would you describe American entrepreneurship in one word? We will post your answers next Monday.
Learn more about # GEW2020 at