27.02.2019. / GENERATOR 12 - Robotics: LEGO Minstorms EV3, Airblock Dron, Codeybot


 Sastavljanje, demonstracija i grafičko programiranje robotskih setova za djecu: LEGO mindstormom EV3, Airblock leteći dron, Codeybot robot

 Construction of the structure, demonstration and graphic programming of robotic sets fo children: LEGO Mindstorm EV3, modular Airblock Dron and Codeybot smart robot.

22.02.2019. / American Football by Rex Cammack

 Predavanje na engleskom jeziku američkog sveučilišnog profesora Rex Cammack-a (University of Nebraska Omaha, Department of Geography & Fulbright Scholar 2018-19 Croatia, University of Z

  Lecture by professor Rex Cammack (University of Nebraska Omaha, Department of Geography & Fulbright Scholar 2018-19 Croatia, University of Zadar). He talked about the rules and strateg
