22.02.2024. - Consular Office
Konzularna služba u Američkom kutku Zadar za američke umirovljenike hrvatskog podrijetla.
Consular service in American Corner Zadar for American retirees of Croatian origin.
Konzularna služba u Američkom kutku Zadar za američke umirovljenike hrvatskog podrijetla.
Consular service in American Corner Zadar for American retirees of Croatian origin.
Razgovor s glazbenikom Žarkom Dragojevićem (Embassy 516) i ilustratorom Igorom Jurijem (Yellow Yurij).
Interview with musician Žarko Dragojević (Embassy 516) and illustrator Igor Jurij (Yellow Yurij).
This two-day workshop is an opportunity for existing spaces to meet their colleagues in new Affiliate spaces.
STEM tjedan „Let's STEM together“ započeo je Uvodnom konferencijom, panel raspravom na temu Aktivnog građanstva, a nastavio se brojnim radionicama i prog
The STEM week "Let's STEM together" started with an Introductory Conference, a panel discussion on the topic of Active Citizenship, an
Radovi poznatog ilustratora Igora Jurilja (Yellow Yurija) povodom koncerta dubrovačke grupe Embassy 516.
The works of the famous illustrator Igor Jurilj (Yellow Yurij) on the occasion of the concert of the Dubrovnik group Embassy 516.