15.05.-10.06.2006 / Izložba fotografija I212NYC / Exhibition I212NYC - Mario Delić

 Mario Delić rođen je u Zagrebu 1971. Krajem osamdesetih počinje se baviti fotografijom. Svoje radove izlaže na nekoliko skupnih i individualnih izložbi. 1990.

 Mario Delic was born in Zagreb in 1971.. He starts taking his first still photos in late 80s. Since than he exhibits his works at several solo and group exhibitions.

08.04.2006. / Na granicama svjetova – Chicano kultura i književnost / On the borders of worlds – Chicano culture and literature by Irena Nežić

 U Gradskoj knjižnici Zadar 08.04.2006. Irena Nežić prof.

 "On the borders of worlds – Chicano culture and literature","On April 8th 2006 at the Zadar City Library Irena Nezic, professor of Italian and Spanish language and culture

19.10.2005. / Conrad Turner sa srednjoškolcima i studentima / Conrad Turner with high-school and university students

 Gospodin Conrad Turner, savjetnik za javne poslove pri Američkom veleposlanstvu u Zagrebu, susreo se sa tinejdžerima u Gradskoj knjižnici Zadar 19. listopada 2005.

 On 15th of October 2005. Zadar City Library invited Mr Conrad Turner. counselor for Public Affairs at the US Embassy in Zagreb to meet with teenage users of the Library.
