Prisjećajući se ovog značajnog datuma u hrvatskoj sportskoj povijesti, Američki kutak Vukovar osmislio je prigodnu izložbu kojom pozivamo sve sudionike i svjedoke ove prijateljske, ali povijesno važne utakmice, da nam do 17.10.2020., putem komentara i video poruka, dočaraju atmosferu kako sa stadiona tako i s tribina.
Remembering this important date in Croatian sports history, the American Corner Vukovar has designed an exhibition in which we invite all participants and witnesses of this friendly, but historically important match, to evoke the atmosphere from the stadium by October 17, 2020, via comments and video messages. so is the tribune.
Few facts about... - October, 17 1990 – soccer game – CROATIA : USA – the first and historical game of the modern Croatian national soccer team - Almost 30.000 people were at “Dinamo” stadium in Zagreb/Maksimir - The first presentation of Croatian sport outfit – especially designed by Miroslav Šutej, with worldwide popular red and white squares - The official poster and the ticket were also designed by Miroslav Šutej - The team captain was Zlatko Kranjčar and selector was Dražen Jerković - The first scorer was Aljoša Asanović (1:0), followed by Ivan Cvjetković (2:0), and Troy Dayak (2:1)