Generator je pokretač, a učenici Strukovne škole Vice Vlatković u Zadru u suradnji s Američkim kutkom Gradske knjižnice Zadar organiziraju program edukacije „GENERATOR: radionice na struju“ koji je namijenjen učenicima 5.,6. i 7. razreda osnovnih škola. Kroz 4 radionice zainteresirana djeca naučit će kako radi 3D printer, 3D skener, kako koristiti 3D olovku i okušati se u 3D printanju i osnovama 3D modeliranja. Program robotike obuhvaća sastavljanje mBot V1.1 i LEGO Mindstorm EV3 robotskih setova i učenje grafičkog programiranja, elektronike i osnova robotike.
The generator is the driving force, and students tehnnical school Vice Vlatković in Zadar, in cooperation with the American Corner Zadar in City Library organized training program "GENERATOR: workshops on electricity," which is designed for students fifth, sixth and seventh grades. Through 4 workshops interested children will learn how it works 3D printer, 3D scanner, how to use 3D pen and engage in 3D printing and 3D modeling basics. The program includes robotics assembly mbot V1.1 and LEGO Mindstorm EV3 robotic kits and learn graphical programming, electronics and robotics basis.
3D scanner, 3D pencil and iPad
Robotics 1: mbot V1.1
Robotics 2: LEGO Mindstorm EV3