Ivan Sršen i Robert Mlinarec (naklada Mlinarec&Plavić, Zagreb) u Gradskoj knjižnici Zadar u zvučnoj, ugodnoj atmosferi upoznali su ljubitelje glazbe sa Bibliotekom «Brijačnica»:
Tom Waits - «Razuzdane godine - njegova glazba i mit» urnebesno putovanje kroz povijest američke underground produkcije u kojem se glavni akter od večernjeg zabavljača u zadimljenom džez-klubu izdiže do statusa sive eminencije alternativne scene. Za one koji za Toma Waitsa nisu nikada ni čuli, kada pročitaju ovu knjigu sigurno će se zapitati: 'Kako me je sve ovo mimoišlo?' U tome leži tajna Toma Waitsa.
Henry Rollins - «Upadaj u kombi - Na putu s Black Flagom» Rollins je od 1981. – 1986. bio pjevač legendarne punk skupine Black Flag iz Los Angelesa. Black Flag je tih godina zapečatio sliku američke punk scene; radilo se o beskompromisnoj bici s etabliranim vrijednostima, kako u glazbi tako i u pogledu na život. Grupi koja je jedva skupljala za benzin ultimativni je cilj bio u jednoj turneji postići 100 koncerata u 100 dana.
Joel McIver - «Metallica - Justice for All - istina o bendu» Joel McIver intervjuirao je više od 70 istaknutih glazbenika, producenata, novinara, suradnika grupe i članova njihovih obitelji i tako zagrebao duboko ispod površine nedodirljivosti i suverenosti najvećeg metal benda današnjice. Johnny Black - «R.E.M. - Enciklopedija» Četvorka koja je krenula iz Atlante u Sjedinjenim Državama i osvojila svijet. 01.06.1991. njihov album Out Of Time dobio je bitku s albumom Michaela Boltona Love And Tenderness i tako se učvrstio na prvome mjestu američke top ljestvice albuma, čime su ušli u povijest rock glazbe. Pročitajte priču o emotivnom bendu s američkog juga koji se nikada nije predao.
Elijah Wald - «Narcocorrido: Putovanje u glazbu oružja, droge i gerile» Znate li da Meksikanci s obje strane Rio Grandea (granice Meksika i SAD-a) u najvećem broju ne slušaju Jennifer Lopez ili Gloriju Estefan, nego Paulina Vargasa, Jefea de Jefesa i grupu Los Tigres del Norte? To su izvođači glazbenog žanra narcocorrida koji melodijom podsjeća na tugaljive mediteranske napjeve, dok tekstovi govore o surovoj borbi za preživljavanje.
On the 27th of October Ivan Sršen and Robert Mlinarec (from the Mlinarec & Plavić Publishers Zagreb) introduced the titles from their "Brijačnica" Edition to Zadar music fans in a pleasant atmosphere.
Tom Waits - Wild Years: Music and Myth of Tom Waits Hilarious journey through the history of American underground production in which the main character raises from an evening entertainer in a smoky jazz-joint to a status of the gray eminence of the alternative scene. Those who never heard of Tom Waits, after reading this book will surely ask themselves: "How could this pass me by?" Therein lies the secret of Tom Waits.
Henry Rollins - Get in the Van: On the Road with Black Flag From 1981 to 1986 Rollins was the frontman of legendary L.A. punk band Black Flag. Black Flag marked the American punk scene of those days. It was about the ruthless battle with the establishment both in music and in worldview. The band that hardly managed to collect enough money for gasoline for their van had an ultimate goal: give 100 gigs in 100 days of a single tour.
Joel McIver - Justice for All: the Truth about Metallica Joel McIver interviewed more than 70 leading musicians, producers, journalists, band associates and members of their families to scratch deeply beneath the surface of the untouchability and masterfulness of the greatest metal band of today.
Johnny Black - R.E.M.: Reveal the Story of R.E.M. Four who started from Atlanta in the US and conquered the World. On the 1st of June 1991 their record Out of time won the battle over Michael Bolton's Love and Tenderness and topped the American LP charts which made them enter the history of rock music. Read about the emotive band from the American south that never surrendered.
Elijah Wald - Narcocorrido: Journey into the Music of Drugs, Guns and Guerilla Did you know that Mexicans on both banks of Rio Grande (border between the US and Mexico) mainly do not play Jennifer Lopez or Gloria Estefan, but Paulino Vargas, Jefe de Jefes and Los Tigros del Norte? These are the representatives of a musical genre Narcocorrido which in its melody reminds of the melancholic Mediterranean chants but tells about merciless struggle for survival.