U okviru programa "American Corner Sounds" koji podupire Ured za odnose s javnošću Veleposlanstva SAD, ansambl Cantus održao je koncert pod naslovom "Nova glazba novog kontinenta" u Američkom kutku u Zadru
ELLIOTT CARTER - Puhački kvuntet
EDGAR VARESE - Destiny 21.5 za flautu solo
JOHN CAGE – Glazba za puhačke instrumente
SAMUEL BARBER – Ljetna glazba

 Under the program "American Corner Sounds" supported by the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy, Cantus Ensemble held a concert under the title "A New Music from the New Continent" at the American Corner Zadar on September 23, 2007.
ELLIOTT CARTER – Woodwind Quintet
EDGAR VARESE – Destiny 21.5
JOHN CAGE – Music for Woodwind Instruments
SAMUEL BARBER – Summer Music

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