Na predavanju gospođe Cindy Gould (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) studenti i učenici srednjih škola saznali su više o mogućnostima studiranja, mogućnostima financiranja studija i programima stipendiranja za studij u SAD-u koje administrira Institut za razvoj obrazovanja.
Predavanje je održano u Američkom kutku u Gradskoj knjižnici Zadar u ponedjeljak 26.10.2009
Institut za razvoj obrazovanja
Preradovićeva 33, HR - 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
t: +385 1 4555 151 / +385 1 4817 195
f: +385 1 4555 150(BR) [email protected]
On October 26th 2009. the Zadar City Library American Corner organized a lecture for college and high-school students. The lecture was held by Mrs. Cindy Gould (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), and students could learn about studying possibilities, about financing the studies and fellowship programs in the USA, administered by the Institute for the Development of Education
Institute for the Development of Education
Preradovićeva 33, HR - 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
t: +385 1 4555 151 / +385 1 4817 195
f: +385 1 4555 150(BR) [email protected]